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Praying for the Church

·                                  Praying for the Church is very important.

Many problems relating to the churches and instances of strife and gossiping can be altered if you will just pray for your church.

Or pray for the churches as a whole, the church, the body of Christ.

Praying For The Church

1Pet 5:6...........Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves under Your mighty hand.
1Jn 1:9.............Forgive us for our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Heb 10:22.........Let us draw near to You with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
Heb 10:22.........having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
Heb 10:22.........and our bodies washed with pure water.
Col 3:16............Let Your Word dwell in us richly.
Col 1:9..............Fill us with the knowledge of Your will,
Col all wisdom and spiritual understanding,
Col 1:10............that we may live and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of You,
Col 1:10............fully pleasing You, and being fruitful in every good work.
Eph 4:23...........And, by being renewed in the spirit of our minds,
Col 3:12............that we put on tender mercies, kindness, humility,
Col 3:12............meekness, longsuffering: bearing with and forgiving one another.
Eph 4:13...........That we dwell together in the unity of the faith,
1Thes 5:12........recognizing those who labor among us,
1Thes 5:13........esteeming them highly in love for their work's sake.
1Cor 1:10..........I pray we all speak the same thing, with no divisions among us,
Phil 1:27...........standing fast in one spirit, striving together for the faith.
Heb 13:9...........That we're not carried about with various and strange doctrines,
2Tim 2:15..........But we study, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Jude 1:16..........That we're not murmurers, complainers, walking after our own lusts,
1Tim 6:18..........but are rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share.
Eph 4:16...........I pray that the whole body be knit and joined together,
Eph 4:16...........and that every part does its share causing growth to the body.
1Pet 4:10..........As each one has received a gift, let him minister it,
Phil 2:4.............looking out for the interests of others.
1Pet 1:22..........Let us all fervently love one another with a pure heart,
2Jn that we do not lose the things we have worked for.
1Pet 4:7............Let us become serious and watchful in our prayers,
Eph 5:16...........redeeming the time, for the days are evil.
Heb 12:1...........Running with endurance the race that is set before us,
Col 3:2.............setting our minds on things above and not on things on the earth.
Phil 3:14...........But pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.
Eph 6:11...........Putting on the whole armor of God that we may stand against the devil.
Acts 4:29..........That we will speak forth Your Word with great boldness
Acts 4:30..........and that You will stretch forth Your hand to heal,
Acts 4:30..........that signs and wonders may be done in the name of Your Son Jesus.


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